Realizing we are already whole

I’m already whole.

The power of this one statement can work incredible wonders in one’s life.

This statement frees up space, clears the deck of the mind, and makes available an enormous amount of energy.

For so long, I’ve strived, sought, read, learned, and consumed knowledge as a way to compensate for what I feel is missing in myself.

This insatiable intense thirst for more.

Maybe once I read that book, or learn this theory, or explore that modality, I’ll feel good. I’ll be whole. I’ll be complete.

The pursuit can be endless. Although there’s a pleasure in the seeking, just below the surface lays a frenetic anxiety.

I’m incomplete. I’m fractured and fragmented. There are pieces of me that have been lost along the way. I’m trying to put it all back together.

The beliefs of “I’m not whole” or “I’m not complete” create a monstrous vortex. They deplete energy, sap joy, and leave one feeling like you have nothing to offer others or the world.

It’s a place of despair.

The balm for living in such a way is the deep knowing and feeling that those beliefs are an illusion.

I have been living this way for much of my life, although I’ve had glimpses and periods of intense creative bursts, where I produced beauty in the world.

During those times, I felt alive, connected, purposeful, and at one with others and the Universe. It felt like gathering all that was within me, then pouring it out into the world for others to experience and see.

Living from this place is a powerful and fulfilling vantage point to live from.

Striving and grasping are no longer there.

What if we let this mantra stick: I’m whole. I’m complete. I belong.

From this foundation, we can build a life that’s aligned and alive. From this place, we can simply be. We can be playful, creative, and spontaneous.

The stakes are lower. Flow appears.

Embrace the practice of knowing you are whole in this very moment. Such an expansive way of living is within reach.


The regret of saying no to love


Sharing our sorrows with Mother Earth and one another